personal profile

academic painter
česlav jaroš
clothing designer and stylist

Education: In years 1977-1983 I studied on Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, special atelier of fashion design with prof. Z. Bauerová. I’ve concluded studies with state exam and received an award for the best master’s thesis. It was entitled „Industrially manufactured menswear”.

Language skills: German, English, Russian.
Professional career: I was working in Department of Housing and Clothing Culture in Prague as a research worker in years 1984 – 1988. / Since 1986 I have been engaged in fashion design as a part of image of companies and firms. This includes whole idea and colour conception and selection of materials and complex deliveries for customers./ In 1991 I have established a private studio of figural drawing DOMINO, where I also teach. Applicants for middle-school and universities studies of fine arts are preparing here. Almost 800 students passed through studies since it’s establishment. /From 1987 I am engaged in individual custom menswear, handmade in traditional way for steady clientele in cooperation with SALON LETNÁ. / From 2001 I am lecturer and leader artist on The college of fashion design in Prague . I am author of many projects there, e.g.: Fashion Label, Traffic de mode, Hello Tomorow, Students for KENVELO, HRAVOST – styling for czech basketball players Word championship 2010, Sories of Aviatics, AICHI SHOW - Bomton studio a.s., NARUBY and many more Customer portfolio: ČSA, Ministry of Environment, Czech Olympic Committee, ČSL, Police of Czech Home Office, Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic, Ministry of Foreign affairs, Česká pojišťovna a.s., BIS, Sodexho ČR, Škoda Auto, Philip Morris Group ČR, ČNTS NOVA, ČMFS, VZP, Czech Bar Association, Hotel Intercontinental Praha, Hotel Hilton Praha, Radisson SAS - Alcron Praha, Vyšehrad 2000, Český rozhlas, Scania ČR, Obecní dům Praha, Mucha Trust, Citroen ČR, EGAP a.s. and many more.

Customer portfolio: ČSA, Ministry of Environment, Czech Olympic Committee, ČSL, Police of Czech Home Office, Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic, Ministry of Foreign affairs, Česká pojišťovna a.s., BIS, Sodexho ČR, Škoda Auto, Philip Morris Group ČR, ČNTS NOVA, ČMFS, VZP, Czech Bar Association, Hotel Intercontinental Praha, Hotel Hilton Praha, Radisson SAS - Alcron Praha, Vyšehrad 2000, Český rozhlas, Scania ČR, Obecní dům Praha, Mucha Trust, Citroen ČR, EGAP a.s. and many more.

Cooperation with firms: OP Prostějov Profashion, GALA Prostějov, KOUTNÝ, s.r.o., Otavan Třeboň a.s., Zádruha Filmtisk, s.r.o.
Exhibitions: / / Fashion show at Hotel Top, / Men’s collection for M.I.C. Adam, / Charity fashion show for the support of fight against AIDS organized by LEVI’S, representation in collections of Museum of Arts and industry in Prague.

Publishing activities in titles: Ekonom, PLAYBOY, Esquire and more.
Medial cooperation: Český rozhlas, ČT 1, NOVA, PRIMA, Z1.